Question:What are the type of fire extinguishers commonly used and briefly, explain each one? Multipurpose dry chemical, carbon dioxide, halon, wet chemical or foam, pressurized water are the commonly used fire extinguishers. Multipurpose dry chemical / class “A”, “B”, or “C” fires.2.5-20lb. dry chemical (ammonium phosphate) pressurized to 10.5-18 bar by CO2 gas (8-25 seconds discharge time). Has pressure gauge to allow visual capacity check.5-20ft maximum effective range. Extinguisher by smothering burning materials Smothering – Cut off oxygen / close the ventilation using fire extinguisher Starving – Remove the fuel / remove the material going to burn Cooling – Reduce the heat / use water Carbon Dioxide – Class “B” or “C” fires 2.5-100lb. of CO2 gas at 150-200 psi (8-30seconds discharge time). Has NO pressure gauge-capacity verified by weight 3-8 ft. maximum effective range. Extinguisher by smothering burning materials, Effectiveness decreases as temperature of burning materi...