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Permit to work system Procedure


1          PURPOSE:

The Purpose of this procedure is to describe the methodology for issuance of ‘Permit to work’ (PTW) only after ensuring the save working condition during non-routine jobs at ABC Company

2          SCOPE:

This Procedure covers the non-routine jobs in ABC Company premises, to be carried-out by Permanent and Contractual/Third Party employees.


Prod. Shift in-charge if no prod. Area so Area in-charge will issue work permit will be
·         EH&S representative will be responsible to verify the non-routine job work place and related safety aspects.
·         EH&S representative will be responsible for issuing Permit to Work Sheet.
·         Requestor of non-routine job will be the respective area owner.
·         Task Supervisor will be responsible for accepting of Permit to Work and taking measures.

4          PROCEDURE:

Permit to Work System (PTW) is essential to enable all work at hazardous/ dangerous areas to proceed safely. To achieve and maintain safe working environment where the risk topersonnel, asset and environment is eliminated, reduced or minimized.

4.1         Work Permit Means:

Whenever a job has to be executed, respective area owner has to get permission to do this job.There are three types of permissions:
·         Written permission (Permit to Work)
·         Verbal permission (with registration i.e. entry in log book)
·         Permission in Emergency situation.
Whenever we talk about permits, we mean a written permission.

4.2         Need of Work Permit:

·         To ensure proper authorization.
·         To make clear to the person carrying out the job.
·         To assess the risk involved.
·         The precautions to be taken.
·         To ensure that the person who is responsible for an area, knows about the jobs goingon.
·         To ensure that the method of work and precautions needed are checked by theappropriate persons.
·         To provide second opinion to prevent errors of judgment and shortcuts (which may 
increase risks).

4.3         Activities/ Processes excluded from the scope of Work Permit:

Activities/processes that do not require Work Permit include:

·         Routine production operations.
·         Routine overhead crane operation in Production area.
·         Routine work in offices.
·         General work inside workshops.
·         Watch-keeping.
·         Visual inspection of areas, but not including confined spaces and work at height.
·         Operating or demonstrating portable firefighting equipment or lifesaving appliances 
during drills or training.

·         In case of any incident/emergency situation photography is allowed only to Admin/HSEstaff.
·         Fire &Safety and HSE Monitoring equipment/gadgets which are intrinsically safe and use only by them.

4.4         Permit Routing

·         All permits for jobs inside the ABC COMPANY will be issued by EH&S representative in the presence of task supervisor.
·         Designated EH&S Personnel will issue the permit and make the necessary actions 
required by EH&S.

·         The permit issuer will then send the permit for review and signature of the area Owner.
·         After Permit issue,task supervisor (acceptor) accepts the permit and start the work as per permit and the original copy will be displayed at the work site.
·         After job completion or permit expiry, whatever the earlier is the original permit which will be closed by the task leader/supervisor and submitted in EH&S for record
·         In case of re-newel the renewal sheet will attached with the original permit and 
will be displayed at the work site.

4.5         Types of Permits

·         Cold Work Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-07).
·         Hot Work Permit    (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM -08).
·         Work at Height(ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM -09).
·         Electrical Work Permit(ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM -10).
·         Confined Space Work Permit   (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM -12).
·         Excavation work Permit(ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM -13).
·         Mobile Crane Work Permit(ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM -14).

4.6         Cold Work Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-07)

Any non-routine maintenance, Construction or Cleaning work is called Cold work. (This work permit is required for any work on site related cold work no power tool is used.

·         Perform height job on cold work permit.
·         Scatter material all over the area.
·         Work which is not mentioned in work permit.
·         Use wrong tool for any equipment for work.
·         Work without using of personal protective equipment.

·         Access must be cleared from any tripping or from slippery material.
·         Area must be barricadedwhen required. Same will however be removed after completion of job.
·         Take necessary precautions before start the job.
·         In-case of any emergency call. Ext-187 or inform safety coordinator.
·         Job expert supervisor must available at job site until completion of jobs.

4.7         Hot Work Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-08)

It  is  necessary  for  all  works,  which  require  use  of  flame,  heat  welding equipment or 
any equipment producing or capable of producing spark, which can ignite flammable 
material and vapors. Some of the examples of jobs/works categorized under this permit 

Welding/brazing, Flame/cutting, Arc welding, high pressure water jetting involving compressor, Drilling/cutting/chipping with power tool, Sand blasting, hot tapping, Controlled burning of waste where flammable vapors may be present.
While the plant is in operation, job on any equipment which is in service and in operation of  hazardous materialwithin the ABC Company i.e. piping, vessels, Over Head Cranes, columns, exchangers, Pumps,  etc.

·         Use damage torch for gas cutting/welding.
·         Scatter material all over the area.
·         Work which is not mentioned in work permit.
·         Use wrong tool for any equipment for work.
·         Work without using of personal protective equipment.

·         Access must be cleared from any combustible, tripping or slippery hazards.
·         Area must be barricaded when required. Same will however be removed after completion of job.
·         Take necessary precautions before start the job.
·         In-case of any emergency call. Ext-363/315/322 or inform safety officers.
·         Job expert supervisor must available at job site until completion of jobs.
·         Before start hot job additional Fire Extinguisher must place at job site.
·         Must use lock-out tag-out LOTO when working on live panel/cables/electrical
·         equipment. (Use of Name tags).

4.8         Work at Height Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-09)

Work at Height permit is required when work is performed at a location where free fall of 1.2 m/4 feet can be possible. Some of the examples of jobs/ works categorized under this permit are:
Erection/ removal of scaffolding, Work on scaffoldings, Work at overhead cranes, Scrapping and painting on heights, any maintenance/new erections jobs.
All such activities will need work at height Permit to be issued before starting the job.The permit will be requested by the area owner and accepted by job leader/supervisor, physically present at job site,and issued by the designated EHSpersonal.

·         Hook safety harness with lose pipe or do not hook on low height.
·         Scattered material all over the area.
·         Work which is not mentioned in work permit.
·         Use wrong tool for any equipment for work.
·         Work without using of Full body Harness and personal protective equipment.

·         Access must be cleared from any falling, tripping or slippery hazards.
·         Area must be barricaded when required. Same will however be removed after completion of job.
·         All representatives’ signature should complete with their contact numbers clearly.
·         Take necessary precautions before start the job.
·         In-case of any emergency call. Ext-187 or inform safety coordinator.
·         Job expert supervisor must available at job site until completion of jobs
·         Use full body safety harness with double lanyard shock absorber.

4.9         Electrical Work Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-10)

All electrical jobs required on electrical lines from 12KV to 240KV require an electrical work permit for Low/High Tension.
·         Disconnect the power source by Log-out Tag-out procedure, before servicing or repairing electrical panel or sub stations.
·         Use only tools and equipment with non-conducting handles when working on electrical devices.
·         When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry and, when possible, wear nonconductive gloves, protective clothes and shoes with insulated soles.
·         Do not rely on grounding to mask a defective circuit nor attempt to correct a fault by insertion of another fuse or breaker, particularly one of larger capacity.
·         Be aware that interlocks on equipment disconnect the high voltage source when a cabinet door is open but power for control circuits may remain on.


·         Use electrical equipment in wet conditions or damp locations unless the equipment is properly earthed.
·         Bypass the on/off switch and operate the tools by connecting and disconnecting the power cord.
·         Operate tools in an area containing explosive vapors or gases, unless they are intrinsically safe and only if you follow the manufacturer's guidelines.
·         Work which is not mentioned in work permit.
·         Use wrong tool for any equipment for work.
·         Work without using of personal protective equipment.

·         Access must be cleared from any combustible, tripping or slippery hazards.
·         Before start work on electrical equipment/panel must check necessary arrangements, like log-out tag-out.
·         Test all tools for effective grounding with a continuity tester or a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) before use.
·         Area must be barricaded when required. Same will however be removed after completion of job.
·         In-case of any emergency call. Ext-187 or inform safety coordinator.
·         Job expert supervisor must available at job site until completion of jobs.

4.10     Radiation Work Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-11)

When work has to be performed on radiation gauges at CRSM and density meter at PPPL, Designated EH&S Personal mentions the precautions that have to be taken by the job leader/supervisor and thearea owner/Supervisor raises the request of Radiation work permit.
The normal procedure of thickness checks during operation at CRSM does not need this permit. CRSM will be following the respective Safety work Instruction for safe radiographic testing on line.

·         Ignore the regulations and safety rules prior to start working on radiations.
·         Work without wearing protective clothing in the area where radio activity work is in progress.
·         Work which is not mentioned in work permit.
·         Use wrong tool for any equipment for work.
·         Work without using of personal protective equipment.

·         Care should be taken to ensure that all significant radiation paths are fully evaluated.
·         Area must be barricaded when required. Same will however be removed after completion of job.
·         All representatives’ signature should complete with their contact numbers clearly.
·         In-case of any emergency call. Ext-187 or inform safety coordinator.
·         Job expert supervisor must available at job site until completion of jobs.

4.11     Confined Space Work Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-12)

Confined Space means any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, trench, pipe, sewer, flue, well or other similar space in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable specified risk. “Specified Risk” means a risk of:
Serious injury to any person at work arising from a fire or explosion,
The loss of consciousness of any person at work arising from an increase in body temperature,
The loss of consciousness or asphyxiation of any person at work arising from gas, fume, vapor or the lack of oxygen,
Required tests will be carried out by Designated EHS Personal prior to confined space entry e.g.
Oxygen level (% vol)
Flammable gas levels (% LEL)
Toxic gas levels (ppm)
Inside Temperature
Prior   to   any   entry-taking   place,   the   job/area leader   must   ensure   that the access and escape routes are available.
·         Attendant must not go inside the tank but call rescue team if any of the entrant face problem and need help.
·         Allow any person to give entry without taking ID card; name & time (record your log entry sheet).
·         Block emergency exit in case of emergency.
·         Scattered material all over the area in confined space.
·         Work without using of personal protective equipment.

·         Access must be cleared from incase of toxic gases release emergency or any other emergency.
·         Before start confined space entry must check necessary arrangements.
·         Taken out the worker from the confined space after each 30 min and replace to another worker.
·         Use forced ventilation for performing welding activities inside the confined space.
·         Keep monitoring of Oxygen by using multi-gas detector.
·         Open the bottom and top main holes of the tank.
·         Attendant must monitor the entrants throughout the confined space task.
·         Job expert supervisor must available at job site until completion of jobs

4.12     Excavation work Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-13)

The Excavation work permit is to be issued by the EH&S representative to the job supervisor physically present at site.
Following information about job would be required:

·         Exact location of excavation (attach drawing/sketch).
·         Area/ depth of excavation.
·         Anticipated commence and completion.
·         Whenever deemed necessary, excavation matter has to be discussed with IT and Civil works Heads.
·         Hazards present in the area, precautions to be taken and personal protective equipment to be used are specified by designated EH&S Personal.

·         Keep excavated material less than 1.2 mnear from edge.
·         Leave the excavated area without barricading and warning safety sings.
·         Block the emergency exit in case of emergency.
·         Scattered material to be spread over the confined space area.
·         Work without using of personal protective equipment.

·         Emergency equipment, such as safety harness and lifeline, and/or basket stretcher readily available where hazardous atmospheres could or do exist.
·         Where possible no trench is to be left open overnight. If a trench is to left open overnight then suitable barricades, warning lights and signage must be instated.
·         Employees protected from loose rock or soil that could pose a hazard by falling or rolling into the excavation.
·         Assign the competent person prior to start excavation work.

4.13     Mobile Crane Permit (ABC COMPANY-EH&S-FORM-14)

Mobile Crane permit is issued for a task when it is necessary to use a mobile crane for lifting of equipment or labor for working at height with man ride basket. Mobile crane will be inspected by Designated EHS Personal its 3rd Party certificate should be present at the site. A copy of the certificate will be submitted in EH&S for record.If worker lifting is required the bucket will be inspected and its 3rd party certificate should be present at the site. A copy of the certificate will be submitted in EH&S for record.The crane operator should be trained and must bear a valid crane operation certificate. A copy of the certificate will be submitted in EH&S for record.No crane operation can be allowed without a trained rigger.

·         Start crane activity if found any disturbance in the crane during lifting the load.
·         Allow the crane activity where already another job is going on at same location, the other job must close before prior to start crane activity.
·         Allow any unauthorized person when lifting job is in the progress.
·         Allow the crane operation without start work permit anywhere in the ABC COMPANY premises and uninspected lifting accessories is found in used.
·         Allow the crane if during overload, indicators not in working.
·         Allow the crane if all four outriggers fully not extended or opened fully

·         Make sure before starting the crane operation physically inspect the crane and check visual condition of the crane.
·         Ensure that the crane must have valid 3rd party certifications.
·         Ensure that the crane operator have valid license and experience certificate of crane operator.
·         Inspect the soil condition before locate the crane the soil condition should stable for load and lifting.
·         Reject the crane if found any oil leakages or failure of any hydraulic system.
·         Make sure all load lifting according to crane load chart and Check Safe Work Load (SWL) should in working condition.
·         Area must barricade till the length of boom direction.


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