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EHS Orientation Procedure


1          PURPOSE:

The purpose of this procedure is to define general guidelines to all ABC Company  newcomers/employee, visitors to follow, Health Safety & Environmental (HS&E) and hygiene rules and practices in the premises.

2          SCOPE:

This procedure covers the New-Comers in ABC Company as permanent and Contract.


·         HS&E Executive will be responsible for giving orientation to new comers.
·         HR representative will be responsible to inform HS&E at least 1 week before joining  
·         HR representative will be responsible for directing new-comers to HS&E department.

4          PROCEDURE:

4.1         Safety Helmets

Safety Helmet (Hard Hat) use in the factory site workplace, to protect the head from falling objects, bad weather. This helmet has suspension system in it which distributes the weight evenly on the top of the hat resulting in no hard feeling on head while wearing. The gap between wearer’s head and helmet provided by the suspension system reduces the probability of any impact striking the skull.
·         Hard hat shall not be left sitting in direct sunlight as damage may occur to the shell.
·         Hard hat shall be kept cleaning and inspected for any defects e.g.: cracks, dents.
·         Mandatory for all the employees, (corporate level to functional level) either permanent, contractual or visitors, to wear these safety helmets in plant premises and while working at height.

4.1.1        Color Classification of Safety Helmets

·         WHITE- for Top management, supervisors and above rank.
·          BLUE–  Electrical, Fitter, Riggers.
·         GREY – for any guest or visitors.
·         YELLOW – for labors.
·         GREEN – for HSE Personnel’s.
·         RED – for Firefighters.

4.2         Safety Shoes

Safety shoes are designed to protect the wearer foot from rolling objects, falling objects, sharp materials at foot level, heavy debris objects, electrical hazards and slipping of any chemical spillage.
·         All employees working and going inside PEB Shed shall wear safety shoes in order to prevent the likelihood of foot injury.
·         Foot wear shall be determined as to the type of job being performed.
ü  Acid resistant shoes
ü  Electrical shock resistant shoes.
·         Safety shoes shall kept clean, wear regularly and inspected for any defects e.g.: tear, wear.
·         Safety shoes shall be of wearer’s size so it may not cause any irritation or harm to the user.

4.3         Use of Mobile Phones on Production Line

·         All ABC Company employees when working on line will not use mobile phones while operating.
·         While receiving emergency calls operator must handover the line to substitute and receive the call in respective control rooms.
·         Workers cannot use mobile phone as a medium to talk/coordinate with each other during line operation.

4.4         Eating and Drinking inside PEB Shed

·         Eating and drinking are not allowed on the Production Line area.
·         All the litters shall be thrown in dustbins.
·         If no dustbins available, contact the respective Line In-charges and forward the query.
·         Line In-charge will then inform the admin to provide the needful.
·         Employees working at production line shall drink the tea in control rooms NOT while working on the line.

4.5         Smoking Policy of ABC STEEL MILL

·         Smoking is a safety (fire) hazard.
·         Environmental tobacco is an n annoyance to many non-smokers and a proven health hazard that’s why prohibited in all ABC Company offices, worksites.
·         Smoking in ABC Company only allowed in designated areas as mentioned by Sign Boards.
·         Designated Smoking areas of ABC company
ü  Outside the Training Room.
ü  In front of MESS (Canteen).
ü  Outside the PEB shed gate between packing and RCL unit.

4.6         Emergency Exit inside PEB Shed and Assembly Points

Designated Emergency exits are
ü  Door Adjacent to RGL
ü  Door Adjacent to CRSM, PPPL
Designated Assembly Points are as follows:
·         Assembly Point No.1 (In front of canteen) - For all Production employees of RGL,ECL, Workshop Office building, canteen and security check post who exit the south & West wing.
·         Assembly Point No.2 (At grassy field In front of compressor room)-For evacuation of all west door side CRSM and PPPL employee also Sub-station 1,2&7compressor room, cooling yard, mill store, chiller room and grid station.
·         Assembly Point No.3 (At grassy field of utility area) - For evacuation of all north west side employee, waste water treatment plant, chemical lab, cooling tower, locker room, boiler area hydrogen plant and BAF control room employee.

4.7         Driving System and Speed Limit within ABC Company

Maximum speed Limit for all types of vehicles within ABC Company premises is 30Km/hr. and No vehicle is allowed from Gate No. 1 to Parking Area if not a case of emergency.
Dispatch and Raw material transportation medium will travel from Gate No. 2 to respective yards.


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