Element 1: Why We Should Manage Workplace Health and Safety Question 1 (1.1): Define the terms (Health, Safety & Welfare) (a) Health can be simply defined as the absence of physical and psychological disease. (b) Safety is the absence of risk of serious personal injury or the state where the risk of harm has been eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. (c) Welfare means access to basic facilities such as toilets, washing stations, drinking water, changing rooms and places to prepare and/or eat food and drink. Question 2 (1.1): Explain the three reasons why an organization should manage H&S? The three reasons why an organization should manage health and safety are moral, financial and legal reasons. Question 3 (1.1): Give three insured costs and three uninsured costs that might arise from a workplace accident. Insured costs (any three from the following): damage to plant, buildings and equipment; compensation paid to workers; medical costs; legal c...